
Neuropsychological evaluation of Cognitive, Emotional and Behavioral Problems

Psychological tests are methods of providing an in depth look at how an individual thinks, feels, and behaves. A thorough evaluation is essential in diagnosing neurodevelopmental disorders such as:

  • ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
  • Dyslexia and other learning disorders
  • Autistic spectrum disorders
  • Dementia
  • Emotional Disorders

In order to answer complex diagnostic questions, evaluations involve:

  • A detailed history of the individual’s learning difficulties, including gathering past school and medical reports.   
  • Administration of a battery of standardized measures suited to the referral question.  These include……Personality measures and projective tests may be used to explore the emotional aspects of a problem.
  • A detailed report will be prepared (not offered)
  • Specific recommendations will be presented, including referrals to resources you need such as schools, advocates or tutors.
  • Recommendations often include necessary academic accommmodations such as additional time on standaraized tests or use of assistive technology. 

I work closely with educational advocates to insure that struggling students receive an education that reflects their specific needs. I am well experienced at testifying at educational hearings intended to insure that children with handicapping conditions are receiving all the services to which they are entitled by public law. 

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